Ventus Evo, Partnering with the Experience Crew
Kumho Tire (CEO Jeong Il-taek) announced (əˈnouns) on the 25th that it is launching (lôn(t)SH län(t)SH) a new initiative (iˈniSHədiv) by recruiting (rəˈkro͞ot) participants (pärˈtisəp(ə)nt) for the “Experience Crew (ikˈspirēəns kro͞o),” where customers (ˈkəstəmə) can test the performance (pərˈfôrməns) of the new ultra(ˈəltrə)-high(hī)-performance tire (ˈtī(ə)r) ‘Ventus Evo.’

The recruitment (rəˈkro͞otm(ə)nt) process (ˈpräˌses) will take place through (THro͞o) Kumho Tire’s official (əˈfiSH(ə)l) SNS channels, with applications (apləˈkāSH(ə)n) accepted (əkˈseptəd) until March 10th.
The selected (səˈlek(t) “Experience Crew” members will have the opportunity (ˌäpərˈto͞onədē ) to experience the latest (ˈlādəst) innovation (ˌinəˈvāSH(ə)n) in tire technology (tekˈnäləjē), the ‘Ventus Evo.’
This tire is designed (dəˈzīnd) to provide (prəˈvīd) superior stability (səˈpirēər stəˈbilədē), safety, and performance, particularly (pə(r)ˈtikyələrlē) in high-performance vehicles (vēək(ə)l).
Participants (pärˈtisəp(ə)nts) will also (ôlsō) be able to share their (T͟Her) driving experience and impressions (imˈpreSHən) via social media as part of the ongoing (ˈänˌɡōiNG) ‘Ventus Evo’ mission.
The initiative will kick off with a launch event on April 5th, followed by a series of driving experiences, including the opportunity to test the ‘Ventus Evo’ tires on various tracks, including the ‘Korea Technoring’ and ‘BMW Driving Center.’
Participants will also receive (rəˈsēv) four ‘Ventus Evo’ tires and full (fo͝ol) support (səˈpôrt) for wheel balancing (ˈbaləns) at no additional (əˈdiSHn(ə)l) cost (käst).
This campaign reflects (rəˈflek(t)) Kumho Tire’s commitment to enhancing its brand image by engaging with customers in new and innovative (ˈinəˌvādiv) ways, as it continues (kənˈtinyo͞o ) to deliver (dəˈlivər) high-performance tires to global (ˈɡlōb(ə)l) markets.
Through (THro͞o) this initiative, Kumho aims to further (fərT͟Hər) strengthen (ˈstreNG(k)TH(ə)n) its position in the high-performance tire sector.
Kumho Tire’s Head of OE Sales, Kim In-Soo, said, “The opportunity to participate in the Experience Crew is a chance for customers to engage directly with our latest high-performance technology and share their experiences. This initiative will help us connect more deeply with our customers, reinforcing (ˌrēənˈfôrs) Kumho Tire’s strong (strôNG) market position.”
Editor 드라이버M
Provided by: Kumho Tires